Hi, my name is Kiah and I am a recovering people pleaser. I’m introducing myself like I’m at a people pleasers anonymous meeting and honestly, if those groups don’t exist maybe they should.

As a people pleaser, I have had a tendency in my life to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself because I didn’t want to rock the boat, upset people, or just generally be uncomfortable. I saw my thoughts and feelings as a me problem and I didn’t want to burden anybody else with them. There are some problems with this which we’ll get into in a second, but as a recovering people pleaser, one of my main goals I’ve been working on is being brave with my words.

In this episode, we chat about:

You aren’t alone in your people pleasing waysThe more we internalize our feelings, the scarier they feel and the harder they are to manageKeeping your emotions and feelings bottled up doesn’t serve you or othersThe power of journaling

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Find the complete show notes here: https://www.coachkiah.com/blog/be-brave-with-your-words