Our latest feature Climate Quickies gives you bitesize nuggets of climate goodies – in under 5 minutes! First up: transitioning to a green economy – how much is it going to cost us? This week’s guest is economist, environmentalist and TED speaker, Angela Francis. She breaks down what a counterfactual is – and how you can use it to win over your friends about the benefits of a green economy!

If you enjoyed this episode, listen to our full episode with Angela, How Green Money Can Make The World Go Round: https://tedxlondon.com/podcast/climate-curious-how-green-money-can-make-the-world-go-round/

We hope you enjoy this new format we’re sprinkling in as an extra to our standard 30 minute episodes. Let us know what other interesting facts, digestible explainers and practical tips from former guests you’d like to hear [email protected]