Cities — if they are designed to be sustainable, equitable and joyous — are the best hope for humanity, says architect, author and TED speaker, Vishaan Chakrabarti, on the latest episode of TEDxLondon’s Climate Curious. This self-confessed city-lover aka ‘Professor Skyscraper’ is putting the joy back into our cities by designing communities that are cheaper to live in, easier to get around, and offer more collective, inter-generational and diverse living. Vishaan shares his vision for changing the narrative when it comes to ‘green cities’ – think less urban parks and more clean electrical grids and goldilocks homes – not too big, not too small – just right! Tune in with Maryam Pasha and Ben Hurst live from TED Countdown to learn why cities, as Vishaan puts it, are a bit like acupuncture; “a small move can make a really big difference.”

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