Shaughn Wright is a QLDer who has been preparing as a way of surviving.

He mentions that there's all different types of preppers and not all are prepping for Doomsday.

If you know what to do, you're better off than most 

He reveals that a lot of people prep for situations like COVID

Shaughn also taught himself how to create his own mudbricks, brew mead and foraging.

He is a generalist and preps for things like not getting paid, being flooded in and the worst case scenario is prepared for World War 3

See for privacy information.

Shaughn Wright is a QLDer who has been preparing as a way of surviving.

He mentions that there's all different types of preppers and not all are prepping for Doomsday.

If you know what to do, you're better off than most 

He reveals that a lot of people prep for situations like COVID

Shaughn also taught himself how to create his own mudbricks, brew mead and foraging.

He is a generalist and preps for things like not getting paid, being flooded in and the worst case scenario is prepared for World War 3

See for privacy information.