Heidi Weinberg, AKA Sew Heidi, loves what she does. She's built a career as a freelance fashion designer, imagining and then making clothes that people LOVE to wear. 

However, she is also aware that there is a dark side to this industry, and this week she talks about the difference between freelancing and temping, how clients can take advantage of you when they know you're following your dream job, the gendered aspects of the fashion industry and how to ensure that you make what you're worth. 

Want to read Heidi's new book, The Ultimate Guide to Being a Freelance Fashion Designer for absolutely free? Head to sfdnetwork.com/hell for a free copy and a few other goodies that are useful for ALL freelancers!

Note: The Clients From Hell podcast has a new theme song: "You Are Little Scientists (Love, Oprah)" courtesy of the band Top Men. They are a band for loving. Check them out

Today's links: 

https://successfulfashiondesigner.com/ https://sfdnetwork/hell https://twitter.com/sewheidi https://topmen.bandcamp.com


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