We are going to talk about planning & achieving results for this year. Here are the key points we'll be going over today. 

Strategy vs Tactics

So many business coaches out there are teaching tactics and they're calling it strategy because the word STRATEGY sells. But the bottom line is this: strategy is the ‘why’, and the tactics are the ‘how’.

Kelly helps us with the process of understanding our own business down to the core and translating our motivations into strategies tailored to our needs and goals.

Plan For Profit

What are all the things that we need to do in order to be successful? WE HAVE TO PLAN FOR THAT.

We are planning to create a profitable business that works for us. And we start with that end goal in mind of having the ideal life and the ideal business that we desire. And we reverse engineer so that we can focus our limited resources that we have as growing companies on the money productive and most profitable aspects of our business, which ultimately, you know, eliminates a lot of time-wasting a lot of money wasting and a lot of just general screwing around.

My Advice from Experience

Kelly's website holds so much information on growing one’s business & you can take this hilarious but extremely accurate quiz where you can discover “What Type of Profit-preneur™ Are You?” Mine was CEO, but I’ll let the quiz explain that for you!

Go to  Profitology Crash Course.com and take advantage of the free resources offered there. Get a quick glimpse of how it would look like to have a solid plan for your business without going crazy.

Think about it, and if you feel that it can help you too, join Profit-ology. I know I did. As an entrepreneur, sometimes it can be lonely and having people around to support you, remind you of your accountabilities and simply just be there for you is such a big help!

Find Kelly here:

Marketing to Millionaires - http://www.marketingtomillionaires.com

The Profit-preneur™ Circle - https://www.facebook.com/groups/profitpreneurcircle/

Profit-ology - https://www.facebook.com/profitologyprocess/

Profit-preneur Assessment - https://kellyoneil.com/quiz/

Kelly O’Neil - https://kellyoneil.com/


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