This is the 2nd time I have been to Tai Lopez’ mansion in Beverly Hills. This experience was totally different than the first time. I reveal what I learned while there with Russell Brunson. The evening got started late and went till 2 am. I reveal the value bombs that were shared between Russell and Tai.

Show Notes

How much money would you pay for the process to sell a service as opposed to the actual service itself? If you want to know how well your business is doing, look at your cost to acquire a customer There are false beliefs that you can prove wrong to show the need for you? Dave wants you to realize the importance of selling something you don’t have Curate the product you are affiliating or even selling You, like Ryan Moran, can be become known for using other people’s content well Type “A” Players


“Document the process while you’re going through creating some of the content. The process you’ll find is, typically, more valuable than the content you create.”

“If you can identify what the false beliefs were and then identify what had happened to you to actually change those beliefs, that is how you sell anything.”

“A players are exponentially more valuable on your team than B players.”
