Why Dave Chose to Interview Julie Stoian:

Julie Stoian gives you the tips and tricks of how to grow an engaged Facebook Group. Engagement is the key to growing a group organically. Julie details 5 things she does to help grow her group and what we are doing to grow ClickFunnels Facebook group as well.

Tips and Tricks for Your Business:

Julie defines for us how we can tell if our Facebook group really is engaged. (1:49) The concept of Timed Content. (2:25) Julie recommends that we become friends with our community and gives some examples (3:24) Julie occasionally allows her own clientele to promote within her thread, something she recommends for us (5:00) Julie breaks the news to us that we no longer can have “Entrepreneurial Groups”, ours need to have a purpose. (8:02)

Quotable Moments:

“Speed is the name of the game when it comes to engagement.”

“People like to join groups for the networking. If you give them a little spot, that’s controlled, where they can promote it helps the engagement, it helps the group, and it also helps them feel like there’s opportunity there.”

“A lot of people have groups because they just want to sell to them. Like you can sell to them but make sure they have another incentive to be there.”

Other Tidbits:

When you go on Facebook you can find plenty of red oceans in the “entrepreneurial group” sections, you need to carve out a different niche there. If you are selling coaching to help people improve their business or even selling simple products it is detrimental to your time and energy to be in those red oceans. Carve yourself out a blue, underappreciated, or even brand knew section to help expand your reach to its full capacity.

Links Mentioned by Dave and Julie:

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