“Karma is real…The universe hates a vacuum”

Learn the Do’s and Don’t of networking and building your Dream 100 from Dave Woodward’s personal experiences. He reveals what works and what doesn’t with networking.

The Dream 100 is a value exchange. It can’t be about what is in it for you, it’s about what is in it for them. It’s not just a pitch, it’s a courtship. Here are few do’s and don’ts Dave talks about when courting:


Don’t Stalk People! Don’t make your first package mailing all about you. When you are connecting other people, it can’t be about you.


Send your dream 100 packets that offer something of value Find out what is important to the other person How can you give? What types of things can you do to provide value to specific people

If you play your cards right, you could find yourself in a situation among some of the most powerful people in your industry.
