What does it take to turn a demoralised organisation around? How to convince 195 states to sign up to the Paris agreement? What does Christiana Figueres have to say about RCP8.5 and those still believing there will be no energy transition? Find out in Episode 6 of Cleaning Up. 

Christiana Figueres was appointed Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in July 2010, six months after the failed COP15 in Copenhagen. During the next six years she worked to rebuild the global climate change negotiating process, leading to the 2015 Paris Agreement, widely recognized as a historical achievement. Christiana comes from the most prominent diplomatic/political family in Costa Rica. Her father, José Figueres Ferrer, was President of Costa Rica three times; her mother was an Ambassador and member of the Legislative Assembly; and her older brother José Figueres Olsen, was also President of Costa Rica. 

She is also a fellow podcaster: make sure to follow Outrage and Optimism! https://globaloptimism.com/podcast/


 Christiana’s bio on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christiana_Figueres 

The Paris Climate Agreement https://unfccc.int/process-and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/the-paris-agreement 2015 

New Yorker profile of Christiana


Global Optimism https://globaloptimism.com/ 

Michael’s November 2011 Businessweek Column: “Ya Basta: Stop the UN Climate Charade” http://www.liebreich.com/214-2/ 

Michael’s December 2015 BloombergNEF blog: “We’ll always have Paris” 


 Outrage and Optimism https://globaloptimism.com/podcast/ 

The Future we Choose (on Amazon) 



About Cleaning Up

Once a week Michael Liebreich has a conversation (and a drink) with a leader in clean energy, mobility, climate finance or sustainable development.

Each episode covers the technical ground on some aspect of the low-carbon transition – but it also delves into the nature of leadership in the climate transition: whether to be optimistic or pessimistic; how to communicate in order to inspire change; personal credos; and so on.

And it should be fun – most of the guests are Michael’s friends.

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