Further reading:

Official Bio: https://z.co.nz/about-z/who-is-z-energy/our-leadership-team/      

Bosses in Lockdown: Z Energy’s Mike Bennetts (Wednesday 8th of April 2020) (radio)

CEO of Z Energy Mike Bennetts joined Heather du Plessis-Allan to discuss how he's faring at home, and how the lockdown is impacting Z's business.


First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy


Leadership in extraordinary times Q&A: Z chief executive Mike Bennetts (4th of September 2020)


Z Energy’s crisis management lessons (24th of March 2020) - Rod Oram talks with Z Energy's Mike Bennetts about "Code Red" preparations for the Covid-19 pandemic and the key lessons the company has learnt so far


Climate change needs Covid-level urgency from politicians (24th of August 2020)


NZ Business Podcast 34: Mike Bennetts - CEO, Z Energy (March 25th, 2018)


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