How to get members of bands such as Queen, Pink Floyd, Rush, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple together to help a country devastated by an earthquake? How helpful can celebrities be in the clean energy transition? Do we fully recognize the role business plays in solving environmental problems? Jon Dee, leading Australian figure in sustainability and environment answers all of the above! Jon Dee’s website describes him as a “social entrepreneur, broadcaster and philanthropist”. If you download his bio, you’ll find it’s a 35MB power-point presentation. Jon has founded four major charities: Rock Aid Armenia (1988), Planet Ark (1992), DoSomething (2008), and One Tree Per Child (2015). Between 2015 and 2018 he hosted 115 episodes of Smart Money on Sky News Australia, showcasing stories of businesses using sustainability, efficiency and innovation to improve their bottom line. Since 2017, Jon has been appearing weekly on ABC Radio Australia highlighting good news about the environment and sustainability on his Good News with Jon Dee segment. Jon is the Australian coordinator for RE100, which has spurred over 250 major corporations worldwide to commit to 100% renewable energy. He is currently launching Smarter Futures, a website and series of interviews focusing on business sustainability solutions. Jon has written two books: “Sustainable Growth” (2010), and “Energy Cuts: The 20-Step Guide to Cutting Energy Bills in Your Business” (2015) selling over 140,000 copies in Australia . In 2010, Jon was named Australian of the Year in New South Wales.

 Key links: 

Jon Dee’s website 

Jon Dee on Twitter

 Planet Ark 


Rock Aid Armenia 

Planet Ark founders cut ties with 'lost' organisation 

RE100 Australia 

The 20-Step Guide to Cutting Energy Costs in Your Business Good News with Jon Dee 

Agado (app for iPhone and iPad)


About Cleaning Up

Once a week Michael Liebreich has a conversation (and a drink) with a leader in clean energy, mobility, climate finance or sustainable development.

Each episode covers the technical ground on some aspect of the low-carbon transition – but it also delves into the nature of leadership in the climate transition: whether to be optimistic or pessimistic; how to communicate in order to inspire change; personal credos; and so on.

And it should be fun – most of the guests are Michael’s friends.

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