What does Brexit mean for the climate transition?

What will COPs 30 to 50 be about (and why is it trade?)

What should environmentalists do instead of giving somebody who's got a pile of problems another one to deal with?

Do we need a revolution to save the planet or will reform do?

Angela Francis answers all of the above!


Angela Francis is Chief Advisor, Economics and Economic Development at WWF, where she provides economic advice across the climate, food and nature programmes as well as leading on trade and industrial policy for a green transition.

She started as an accountant in the energy industry before moving into economic development, where she has spent the last 18 years.  She led on economics and strategy for the East of England Development Agency and worked on productivity, innovation, and low carbon growth in the UK and Europe for SQW Consulting.  She was Regional Economist and Climate Attaché for the FCO in the Caribbean before returning to the UK five years ago to be Chief Economist at the independent Green Alliance thinktank, where she led on industrial strategy, tech and the economic case for a low carbon and circular economy.

She is a member of the IPPR’s Environmental Justice Commission and UCL’s Green Innovation Policy Commission.  

Angela is a former competitive rugby player, and what her official bio doesn’t say is that the that lockdown has turned her into an obsessive tomato grower!


Key links


Angela’s LinkedIn bio



“Saving the planet without making it everyone's top priority | Angela Francis | TEDxLondonWomen”



“We can’t afford deals that destroy our planet”



“Push and pull is needed to green our economy”



“How to make green tech work for blue collar workers across the country”



“Putting people at the heart of the green transition”



“Why British environmentalists should vote for Brexit” (by ML)



About Cleaning Up

Once a week Michael Liebreich has a conversation (and a drink) with a leader in clean energy, mobility, climate finance or sustainable development.

Each episode covers the technical ground on some aspect of the low-carbon transition – but it also delves into the nature of leadership in the climate transition: whether to be optimistic or pessimistic; how to communicate in order to inspire change; personal credos; and so on.

And it should be fun – most of the guests are Michael’s friends.

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