Emma Howard Boyd is one of the leading voices in the UK’s Environment scene. As the Chair of the Environment Agency, she is at the forefront of the current environment agenda. This week, Michael and Emma will discuss everything from recent flooding in the UK to the unique UWC schooling experience. Bio Emma Howard Boyd has been the chair of the UK’s Environment Agency since 2016. The Agency is a public body responsible for the protection and enhancement of the environment in England. She’s also the UK Commissioner to the Global Commission on Adaptation, an Ex officio board member of the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA), and an Advisor to the Board of Trade. Emma, with a background in finance, is a board member or advisor to many companies which include The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project, the European Climate Foundation, and Menhaden PLC. Before becoming the Chair of the Agency in September 2016, she served as its Board member since 2009. Her other past roles include being the Chair of Trustees at ShareAction from 2015 to 2018, Vice-Chair of the Future Cities Capital from 2013 and 2018, and acting as a Non-Executive Director at the Aldersgate Group between (2012 -2018) Triodos Renewables (2004-2012). Before that, she held various executive roles at Jupiter Asset Management. She was also Chair of UKSIF (the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association), a member of the Commission on Environmental Markets and Economic Performance, and the Green Finance Taskforce. Emma Howard Boyd attended Lester B Pearson College, United World College (UWC) in Canada. She read Law and Economics at St John’s College at the University of Durham. Links Government bio https://www.gov.uk/government/people/emma-howard-boyd Environment Agency website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency Encouraging locally-led climate change adaptation (January 2021) https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/encouraging-locally-led-climate-change-adaptation Storm Christoph (January 2021) https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/gallery/2021/jan/20/storm-christoph-hits-the-uk-in-pictures Emma Howard Boyd, Green Summit speech (September 2020) https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/emma-howard-boyd-green-summit-speech The importance of disclosure in the climate emergency (June 2020) https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/the-importance-of-disclosure-in-the-climate-emergency The Prime Minister visits Didsbury following Storm Christoph (January 2021) https://environmentagency.blog.gov.uk/2021/01/21/the-prime-minister-visits-didsbury-following-storm-christoph/ Flood and coastal resilience innovation programme https://www.gov.uk/government/news/communities-at-risk-of-flooding-urged-to-apply-for-a-share-of-200m-resilience-programme Emma Howard Boyd - UK Environment Agency - Adaptation Week (December 2020) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBX_h8ORpoA Letter to The Times from Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency (February 2020) https://www.gov.uk/government/news/letter-to-the-times-from-emma-howard-boyd-chair-of-the-environment-agency ShareAction https://shareaction.org/ Menhaden Capital PLC https://www.menhaden.com/ Global Centre for Adaptation https://gca.org/ The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project https://www.accountingforsustainability.org/en/index.html Green Finance Institute https://www.greenfinanceinstitute.co.uk/ Thrive Renewables https://www.triodos.com/ Climate Adaptation Summit 2021 https://www.cas2021.com/ Race to Zero https://racetozero.unfccc.int/race-to-resilience/ About Cleaning Up: Once a week Michael Liebreich has a conversation (and a drink) with a leader in clean energy, mobility, climate finance, or sustainable development. Each episode covers the technical ground on some aspect of the low-carbon transition – but it also delves into the nature of leadership in the climate transition: whether to be optimistic or pessimistic; how to communicate in order to inspire change; personal credos; and so on. And it should be fun – most of the guests are Michael’s friends. Follow Cleaning Up on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MLCleaningUp​​​​ Follow Cleaning Up on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/clea...​ Follow Cleaning Up on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MLCleaningUp​​​​ Links to other Podcast Platforms: https://www.cleaningup.live​​​​

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