This week, Michael presents the second part of his two-parter for Bloomberg New Energy Finance, exploring the bear and bull cases for the net zero transition. This week is the bull case: the "5 superheroes" of the transition, 5 forces/trends even more powerful than last week's "5 horsemen", which can prevail in the challenge of rapidly decarbonising the global economy. The 5 superheroes are: Exponential Growth, Systems Solutions, Great Power Competition, Disappearing Demand, and the Primary Energy Fallacy. And stay tuned until the end for a 6th "bonus" superhero!

This audioblog is based on Michael's Bloomberg New Energy Finance opinion piece of the same title. 





Read the original BNEF piece on which this audio blog was based:

Read the latest IEA Renewables Report 2023:

Read the 2017 research paper - Limits to Growth in the Renewable Energy Sector:

Read Michael's 2018 piece for BNEF - Beyond Three Thirds, The Road to Deep Decarbonisation:

Read the research review by Hans Eric Melin on the reuse and recycling rates of lithium-ion batteries:

Read Michael Barnard's analysis of the proportion of global shipping linked to the fossil fuel industry:

View the Lawrence Livermore Sankey Diagram showing estimated US energy flows in 2022:

Read the first part of this BNEF piece on the "5 horsemen" of the transition:





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