Does your child get enough sleep? Numerous studies have shown that sleep duration is related to overweight in children. In this episode, we're going to review stress, sleep, feeding patterns, and the importance of parenting to prevent obesity and poor health in growing children.

Here are the key areas covered in this episode: 

✔️  Why studies show that the relationship between sleep and obesity is stronger in children than adults. This may be due to the rapid brain development occurring during childhood and the critical role adequate sleep plays in brain development. Decreased sleep, duration, and quality may lead to specific alterations in regions of the brain involved in energy balance. 

✔️ Understand the value of eating together. Research has shown that consistent family meals may be protective against obesity, particularly in older children—get the tips on overcoming barriers from sharing family meals consistently. 

✔️ Practice stress-reducing techniques with your kids. Practice breathing and meditation, drawing, and other calming activities with your children. Be the example and show your child that you use the techniques that you want them to do.

✔️ Nothing beats good old exercise! Exercise strengthens the immune system while stress depletes it. Going for a 20 minute walk every day can boost your serotonin levels. Take a family walk or go on a bike ride and develop the habit of consistent movement together.

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We created the HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week you will receive access to modules with lessons that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks with a library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for your entire family!