We all know the classic adage, "Know the tree by the fruit." You cannot have a mango tree in your garden, and the fruit is rotten. It is the fruit that determines what the tree is. As parents, we have the blessing and responsibility of growing our children into something by the kind of thoughts we cultivate in our minds.

What kind of fruits do we want our children to be?

In this new episode of the Clean Eating For Kids Podcast, Crystal Hilsley shares essential truths on how reframing your mindset will transform your life and improve it to pass it on to your children and build yours and their best future.

Key takeaways covered in the episode:

✅ Extra eyes and little hearts pick up on your vibrations of how you look at life and approach day-to-day situations. To your children - you are their hero, their north star. They adapt to a certain degree your inherent beliefs, traits, habits, and characteristics. It's nature versus nurture in full force.

✅ Fixed versus Growth Mindset. Which one do you have? A fixed mindset assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are just static givens, which we can't change in any meaningful way. On the other hand, a growth mindset thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and stretching our existing abilities. These two mindsets, which we manifest from a very early age, creates a great deal of our behavior, our relationship with success and failure in both professional and personal contexts.

✅ Vulnerability to failure is the door. How else do you learn if you don't try and fail? When your kids fail at something, remind them they've just earned the gift of a learning experience, which they will remember the next time they do the same thing. If you messed up in parenting, go back to your child and say you're sorry and hug them. Let them know they are not to blame and that you're human too and you make mistakes.

✅ Children come into this world essentially knowing nothing. They look around them, and they learn from the reactions of their environment. They want their needs met. The questions they ask their inner selves come from their belief systems. Our job as parents is to help them create positive beliefs about themselves, life, people, and the world around them.

Through interaction with you, if they might not feel seen or heard, perhaps you're looking at your phone, distracted, or you don't fully appreciate and recognize the craft that they created for you. Or maybe you've complained about lack of resources such as money.

This builds up as a typical limiting belief kid adapt from an early age -- leading to personal statements, "I am not good enough, I'm not important, or if I fail or make a mistake, I will get rejected."

Children create their meanings for situations, specifically with food. If you're approaching them with a plate of broccoli and you're anxious or even stressed, then they're going to associate that food with an awful experience.

If you tune in to our next video, we're going to discuss the subconscious mind and the states in which beliefs are created. It's a tall order to realize as a parent that you are forming and shaping their belief systems from birth to seven years old. But keep in mind, it's never too late to change and adjust to correct your course of action. That's what a growth mindset is, after all.

If you find this episode valuable, check out this HOW TO guide with tips and tricks to transition your family to eating clean, feeling more connected, and being active and fit. Each week, you can access modules that cover mindfulness practices, nutritional know-how, and psychological tips and tricks. A value-packed library of resources to create deeper connections while increasing immune strength and instilling a lifelong enjoyment of clean foods for you and your entire family! https://www.crystalclearkids.online/fsp

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