Don't be ashamed you tuned in this week to hear about our adventure on The Jerry Springer Show (as audience members, not guests), the reason guilt-free foods don't taste as good, or how awful Japanese television can be. And, go ahead, you can do the Jerry chant right along with us!

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This episode's wine: 19 Crimes 2015 Red Wine, South Eastern Australia

This episode's cheese: Cheddar with Sauteed Onions from Trader Joe's

Our wine leads us to realize why the Bangles would have been sentences to Transportation way back when, then we talk about our Classy Little Field Trip to The Jerry Springer Show taping. We told our bosses we had "Jerry Duty," and we completely indulged ourselves in this adventure. The particular episode we went to was the big reveal of Bear Grillz' face -- an EDM DJ who performs in a bear costume. No, really. This is a thing. Of course, we saw cheating, fighting, and lots of name-calling.

We do love Jerry Springer, especially his Dad jokes. And he knows his show is a guilty pleasure.

Emily found out about the science behind guilty pleasures, and how it's applied to marketing and advertising, including why ads inducing guilt has the opposite effect.

A very big thank you to Greg at Debt Shepherd radio for our amazing promo!

Now, we're not sure if he would, but unfortunately Jerry Springer cannot run for president. Find out how he went from being on the city council, to stepping down after being involved in a prostitution scandal, to becoming the mayor of Cincinnati and, finally, the host of The Jerry Springer Show for 25 years. And, if he wasn't awesome enough, he has a podcast!

We found out some of our listeners' musical guilty pleasures, including finding out who Stryper is -- none of which should be considered a guilty pleasure, according to us. In fact, it's really difficult to find our guilty pleasures since we don't have guilt about liking things like disco, Barry Manilow, and Flavor of Love -- Season 2 is the best because of Becky Buckwild!

And, despite the over-dramatic theater people, Emily admits musical theater is one of her guilty pleasures -- and, although her admitting she hates "Rent," nothing will piss off theater people more than James' butchering of "Seasons of Love."

We talk about why certain things can be considered guilty pleasures, while other areas of entertainment, like music, might not apply. And James tries to sing, again! He also talks about the term "guilty pleasure" and its use in history, and how it might have more relevant in modern times.

Emily finds the top guilty pleasures of zodiac signs, and James goes from skeptical to a believer when Kitty walks down the stairs with Wendy's right as Emily tells James how Capricorns' guilty pleasure is fast food. And find out why the newspaper Emily worked for always had great horoscopes of Tauruses, and why the obituaries were arranged in order or hotness.

James talks about reality television, and we find out about Emily's time with the WWE -- not as a wrestler, although she would be Brian Kendrick's valet wherever his future endeavors may have taken him. Emily is shocked to hear about some of the reality television shows around the world, including Susunu! Denpa Shonen -- a show where a man spent a year naked entering magazine sweepstakes.

And, for our listeners in Norway, please tell us about (and send DVDs!) of your Slow TV!

James and Emily get into a weird conversation about Catholic guilt vs. Protestant "not-much-guilt."

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Special thanks to our classy sponsors on PatreonDebt ShepherdPodUnderground & Jason Bryant from Mat Talk Online and the Short Time Wrestling podcast.

Special thanks to Adam Centamore for his book, "Tasting Wine & Cheese: An Insider's Guide to Mastering the Principles of Pairing," which inspires us to try new wine and cheese pairings in every episode!


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