Classics You Slept Through: Episode 36 - Dracula Discussion 1 (Chapters 1 - 7)

Tried a bit of a different discussion format for this episode. As this book is an epistolary novel (told through letters and diary entries), the narrative has to be pieced together a bit. There are gaps in time that you as a reader need to fill in, and the narration voice shifts frequently.

This first section is the most egregious in the book, with things told out of order, so for our discussion, we've attempted to recreate the actual timeline of what is happening in the story, chronologically. We'll jump around the first seven chapters, tying in what's going on outside of Transylvania, as it intersects with Jonathan Harker's adventures at Castle Dracula.

Let us know how we did, and join us tomorrow as we read up through chapter 14! 

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