This week on Class Aftr Dark:

In business updates, Chase and Chris discuss some meaty topics about how companies are testing out new working styles.  Microsoft tested the 4 day work week, a Swedish company tested the 6 hour work day….do we see some changes coming to the States?! Layering onto this, they also discuss mental health in the United States and how millennials are dealing with their mental health.

For business casual, the guys dive into sharing your career goals and who to share them with.  In the professional environment, it is common to have to share your career goals - but how do you share them? That’s what Class Aftr Dark is here for.

This week’s night cap ends with Chris’ curiosity on dating apps.  Chase shares some personal stories on how he has had some epic fails using dating apps and you’ll never guess the longest amount of time he’s been ghosted...well, maybe you can guess it aftr the show!

Tune in to today’s lively show to join the discussion.

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