Dr. Evaggelos Vallianatos, one of Claremont's many authors and resident authority on broad spectrum of topics, including zoology and the history of science, has worked on Capitol Hill and at the US Environmental Protection Agency for almost three decades.  Dr. Vallianatos took a break from his research and writing to give Claremont Speaks some insight into how the EPA started and what the early days were like, and the corruption and duplicitous research that has happened since, including how President Biden might best make the most on his pledge to rebuild and restore the EPA to being honest, transparent and effective - in short, fulfilling its original purpose.

In this episode, Dr. Vallianatos focuses on the over-use of pesticides and the deleterious effects that multi-billion dollar corporations' "EPA-Approved" neurotoxins have on bees and other animals, and human children and adults.  As a counter measure, he highlights the many advantages of consuming exclusively Certified Organic food,, including recommendations for the CUSD to help our students be as healthy and able to learn as possible.

A returning guest on Claremont Speaks, Dr. Vallianatos never fails to bring new perspectives and valuable insights on his topics, relating what one might think are only national/federal issues back to Claremont, his home of many years.  Invest in listening to this episode and taking Dr. Vallianatos' recommendations to heart, and enjoy the ROI in terms of a longer, healthier life.

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