In another Al Fresco edition, Claremont Speaks went to the corner of Indian Hill and Foothill (Claremont's Protest Grounds of Choice) during the "Indivisible Claremont/March for Our Lives" demonstration by many of Claremont's dedicated activist citizens - some are or were teachers - about solving gun violence, controlling/eliminating assault rifles, our ineffective gun laws and enforcement, and the country's politicians who seemingly sub-optimize everything around their own self-interests over those that elected them. 

This is an inarguably important issue.  Listeners are invited and enthusiastically encouraged to join the discussion. To be a guest on Claremont Speaks, visit our website at
and fill out the guest form, or email [email protected].
Claremont Courier Article:

Indivisible Claremont FaceBook Page

March for Our Lives Website:

Note:  This was recorded outside, on a busy street corner, where horn-honking is encouraged.  At some points during the recording, the sound quality may suffer somewhat , and there may be evidence of an unfortunate but necessary edits.

Feedback, questions, comments, constructive criticism are all welcomed and encouraged.
Send to [email protected] with Feedback in the subject line, or go to the appropriate page on Claremont Speaks' website -

Claremont Speaks is a Paradise Road Media production. PRM is dedicated to helping you create, launch and produce your own podcast, allowing you to focus on being the creator while PRM does the rest. To explore using the power of your own podcast for your self or to promote your business, charity, political group...or any other [email protected].