There are 70 patients on trolleys at University Hospital Limerick today according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation.

Although this is a 25% reduction on the number of people without a bed there yesterday, the level of overcrowding at UHL today is still above that of the next two busiest facilities combined.

A Clare Oireachtas Health Committee Member believes the staff on the frontlines experiencing this situation on a near daily basis are best placed to advise on additional capacity in the region and must be consulted in the review.

Meelick Fianna Fáil TD Cathal Crowe insists though that regardless of who's leading Leinster House next year, HIQA's recommendation must be included in the new programme for government.

The Friends of Ennis Hospital is remaining firm in its view that any new emergency department must be located in this county

Kilrush based Spokesperson Deirdre Culligan insists that even if it means constructing a brand-new facility, providing another ED in Tipperary or Limerick would offer no relief to patients in rural Clare.

The MidWest Hospital Campaign has also been fighting for the reopening of Accident and Emergency Departments at Ennis, Nenagh and St.John's since their respective closures in 2009.

Yesterday the group met with HSE MidWest Regional Executive Officer Sandra Broderick who is also conducting a review of emergency capacity here under the instruction of Health Minister Stephen Donnelly.

Ballyvaughan based MidWest Hospital Campaign member Noeleen Moran says both reviews must be completed in a timely manner and take factors such as population age profile into account in order to be effective and ensure the construction of any new ED can happen quickly.