J-Bunny sits down on Skype with Chris Zacher to discuss his career in music.  They talk about how he came to join The Tombstone Brawlers, how that led to the project Somewhere Between Murder and Suicide, and how an attempt to resurrect Somewhere Between Murder and Suicide years later led to the formation of Zach and the Lo Men.  They also touch on Chris's time in the bands Themes for Frances, Bucket of Sunshine, and the Omega Men, as well as how signing with a booking agency led to Zach and the Lo Men becoming Frankie Goes to Dollywood.  Chris also discusses how the Sussex County/North Jersey local music scene was more of a thing from the mid 90s to early 00s than it is now, and why that change occurred.  J-Bunny also asks Chris what he thinks about the current state of the music industry.

Podcast intro "Rock Intro 3" courtesy of audionautix.com. "Die You Zombie Bastards" by The Tombstone Brawlers appears on the soundtrack to the movie Die You Zombie Bastards and Frankie Goes to Dollywoods's version of "Take On Me" is currently available for free download at www.frankiegoestodollywood.com. Both songs were included with the permission of Chris Zacher.