J-Bunny sits down on Skype and talks to Josh Musto and Damien Moffitt of the band Trip Villain, and formerly of ShitKill and Netherlands.  They discuss how Josh and Damien met and started playing together at a young age, how they came up with the band name ShitKill, and whether having that name caused the band to miss any opportunities.  They also talked about changing the name to The Kill, then shifting focus to the band Netherlands shortly thereafter, and how Trip Villain came about.  Josh also talks about his time in the band Tragedy: All Metal Tribute to the Bee Gees, as well as his time working as Jose Mangin's intern at SiriusXM Liquid Metal.  And of course J-Bunny asks Josh and Damien their thoughts on the current state of the music industry.

"Another Round" and "Hum" appear on Trip Villain's album Won.  Both songs were included with the permission of Josh Musto.