J-Bunny sits down on Skype (while drinking beer from Ghost Hawk Brewing Co, of course) and talks to Jason Ellis, host of The Jason Ellis Show, and vocalist for the bands Horse Force, Death! Death! Die!, and Taintstick.  They talk about the cancellation of his show on SiriusXM, and transitioning the show to a podcast.  They discuss whether or not Ellis saw this change coming, how podcasting is the future of radio, and why the show is currently only once a week.  They also discuss the other podcasts he, Mike Tully, and Kevin Kraft are developing, the future of Ellismania and his band (which last went under the name Horse Force), and dive into some of his past podcasts.  They also talk a bit about Jason's wife Katie and why their relationship works.

Podcast intro "Rock Intro 3" courtesy of audionautix.com. "Rabies Babies" appears on Deah! Death! Die!'s album Ninja Flying Eagles and "Load" appears on Taintstick's album 6 Lbs. of Sound. Both songs were included with the permission of Jason Ellis.