J-Bunny sits down on Skype (while drinking beer from Ghost Hawk Brewing Co, of course) and talks to Bob Bardou, guitarist of the band One Step from Falling.  We discuss how the band formed, what their name means, what it means to be "heady metal", and how they got signed to Pavement Entertainment.  We also discuss why they wore prison jumpsuits in the early days, what the music scene is like in their native Syracuse, NY area, as well as their relationship with their local rock radio station 95X.  Special thanks to Sam Jackson (not the actor) for helping write and prepare the questions for this episode.

Podcast intro "Rock Intro 3" courtesy of audionautix.com. "Lung Butter" and "Wayside" both appear on One Step from Falling's album Stuck on the Wayside. Both songs were included with the permission of Bob Bardou.