In this episode, Jake Maguire, who co-directs the Built for Zero campaign at the US-based non-profit Community Solutions, tells us the secrets to its successful innovation, impact and scale in bringing homelessness down to zero in more than 80 cities in the US; and how they are both inspiring, and in turn inspired by, their international partners scaling the approach in other countries around the world.

Jake shared a number of fascinating insights about the power of data to unlock transformative system change, why innovation and improvement science needs to be all that we do, and why we need to get better at communicating stories of joint impact with multiple actors collaborating for success in cities.

For the Centre’s 2020 Report on ‘Civil Society Innovation and Urban Inclusion’, we’re speaking with inspirational innovators from civil society organisations (CSOs) around the world to hear the stories of their advocacy and programming work to make cities more inclusive.

Explore the Centre’s ‘Civil Society Innovation and Urban Inclusion’ report: from November 2020.

Find out more about Community Solutions/Built for Zero at their websites: or, on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

This podcast is kindly supported by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and its Strong Cities 2030 initiative. Promoting global collaboration and knowledge sharing for sustainable urban development. Find out more about Stronger Cities 2030 at:

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