Your timeline and analysis of the stories to follow on the Russo-Ukrainian War. We (briefly) armchair psychoanalyze Putin and the unexpected strength of U.S. intel, NATO cooperation (what’s happening now? Is it too little too late?), and Ukrainian resistance. After a bit of history on the Budapest Memorandum, we walk through where and why sanctions go wrong. We look at energy independence as national defense, critique Europe’s green hypocrisy, talk about the “other” nuclear option, and discuss how U.S. grand strategy can both return to its roots and adapt its modes for the 21st century: Re-orient our focus to defending sovereignty (not spreading democracy); practice strategic humility; and concentrate our resources on superior intel, cyberdeterrence, and irregular operations. Oh, and maybe don’t let Russia broker the Iran nuclear deal. 


We’ll continue working to separate the signal from the noise and aggregate credible reports on what’s newsworthy now. Follow us on Twitter for updates and summaries of top lines. 

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