Comic writer and artist Jeremy Haun joins me again, this time for his exciting new project, Haunthology. It's a 144-page collection of more than 20 black-and-white horror stories, all written, drawn, and lettered by Haun. Currently there's a Kickstater page for the comic with some amazing rewards, including digital and print copies, an enamel pin, T-shirt, and much more.


When the pandemic hit last March, Jeremy's life went from over-full to a complete stop. It was a tough time as all the projects he was working on paused, some for good. He said that storytelling makes him happy, and what began with a three-page tale has grown over the last year into this amazing collection.


In this interview, we talk about the concept and how it helped him through a very difficult year. Jeremy also talks about how horror can comment on the world around us, and what Haunthology has to say about the events of 2020. We look at how the experience has influenced his plans for the future and what it'll mean once the world of conventions comes back.


Jeremy takes us through the world of Haunthology and some of the different monsters, nightmares, and apocalypses he wrote about. We also look at the different story elements and how they're also found in his other works, such as “The Red Mother” and “The Realm.”