Let’s face it: politics is pretty nuts. And who better to capture that wild, sometimes insane nature than George Franklin, a longtime lobbyist in Washington, D.C., Congressional candidate, and author. In his new book, “A Feeding Frenzy in Washington,” this former Fortune 500 corporate executive and Capitol Hill staffer pokes fun at DC and the politicians who comprise the circus we call Congress.


But don’t let the characters fool you—this is entirely a work of fiction. No, really, it is.


In this episode, Curtis and I talk with George about what went into writing this book, his fourth to date. He talks about the characters and some real-life inspiration that worked its way into their creation.


George has worked in Washington longer than some of us have been alive, and shares some of the people that he’s met that resonated with him. He defines just what a lobbyist is (surprisingly, the movies and shows have it wrong!) and the work he did over the years.


Of course, this interview wouldn’t be complete without asking George the all-important question. When it comes to democracy in 2023, are we going to be OK?