In addition to these 10 goals the new Finance Director must achieve as discussed in this podcast, there will also be many projects the City Manager will “delegate” to the new Finance Director.  

You must learn how to say “no” sometimes.  Or you can say “yes" if you provide me the resources”.

The point is that you will have 12 to 18 months to meet "What City Hall Needs from its New Finance Director".

You CAN achieve the "10 Goals" in addition to your regular duties as Finance Director, plus help the City Manager with his special projects requests!

Next week's CitySpeak Part III episode will focus on the 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle) for Finance Directors who want to succeed "without burning out" at City Hall.

Remember that 20% of everything you do as Finance Director creates 80% of your value at City Hall.

Do you know which 20% is the most important?  

Come back next week to find out.