Sometimes we get anxious about our kids’ challenges and focus more on their behavior, which can cause further strain on the relationship. Consider this: What we see on the surface in our kids and teens doesn’t always reflect what’s really going on in their hearts. Keeping the hope alive in your relationship with your child means doing your own inner work, seeing beyond their stubborn exterior, and understanding the pain they may feel and the love they need. In this’ll learn about what our kids really need from us.

What Makes A Great Parent? It’s the burning question most parents ask at some point in their parenting journey. Is there a secret formula? A magical to-do list? And if those parenting weapons exist, where can you find them? That exact burning question also sparked a desire in Jim and Lynne Jackson, co-founders of Connected Families, to fill a growing need for fresh, biblically sound, and practical parenting resources. With over 50 combined years of professionally helping families, and a love for working in the church, Jim and Lynne have been dedicated to bringing reliable, God centered, parenting resources to all families since 2002. 

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