The times we are living in are troubling and fear is everywhere. We not only have a virus that has been promoted as the bubonic plague, we have riots throughout the United States threatening the safety of our society. The church also has its problems in keeping its message consistent with the Bible. Many of us are seeing how opinions of preachers are replacing the Biblical narrative of truth. It's been said that today’s church is more about counting nickels and noses than it is about truth. My guest in this episode is David Fiorazo. David is an author, associate pastor, media contributor, and radio personality. He has been involved in the broadcasting and entertainment industries for over thirty years and in Christian ministry for over twenty-five years. Listen in to our conversation about the difference between opinion and truth … you'll be surprised at what you learn.

Challenging the Culture with Truth with Larry Kutzler and Esteemed Guests. Visit CitySites Urban Media