Belshazzar, the last king of Babylon learned a very swift and harsh lesson about messin' with God's treasures. You see, he took the Temple treasures his ancestor, Nebuchadnezzar, captured from the Jews' Jerusalem Temple in 586 BC and used them for a drinking party in honor of Babylon's gods. As he did so he mocked Israel's God. BIG MISTAKE! God's hand appeared and wrote out his judgment … death, Babylon's judgment, overthrown … which was carried out that very night. Here's the point. We can REALLY anger God and invite his discipline (if not judgment) when we mess with His treasures. And here's something scary … God has treasures that go far beyond the Temple treasures. How about people, relationships, worship services, and so on? Take a listen to Jay the Truth Barista and Amazing Larry. Be prepared for a BIG challenge!

This creative Podcast uses an imaginary coffeehouse as the setting to talk about the issues facing our day. The Truth Barista is Pastor Jay Christianson, who is fluent in the Hebrew Traditions of the Bible and uses his knowledge to bring clear insights to bear upon the issues that define our day. The Podcast is humorous yet clearly instructive as The Truth Barista tackles tough issues facing Christians today.

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