This time... On City On A Hill...

The party sneaks through a giant... warehouse. A gian'ts giant warehouse?

Next time - the season three finale! So get hyped for our showdown because it gets a little crazy.

Thanks as always to Grant, Peter, Ben, Daniel, and William for doing this!

Check out Peter, Grant, (and Jenny) over at Saving the Game! (They have ended the show, but go tell them you love them, and check out that 8-year backlog!)

Saving the Game can be found at

@SavingTheGame on Twitter

Check us out at @CityOnAHillGame on Twitter or email us at [email protected]

Leave us a rating/review on iTunes or whatever awesome podcast app you use. And tell us where you listen to the fun!

Also, check both shows out on Patreon.  Big thanks to our supporters!  JoAnne, Ashley, Andrew, Christina, Bryan, Ryan, Doug, and Tony!

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