Welcome to the first-ever City On A Hill City Council Meeting!

Join Ryan, Grant, Cameron, Greg, Peter, and a returning Daniel as we sit down and talk how we play! We discuss family-friendliness, faith, puns, and much more! These will happen from time to time as we look at our different games, worlds, and even how we play! Hope you enjoy!

Daniel - https://twitter.com/FullMetalHoyt or twitch.tv/fullmetalhoyt

Grant - https://twitter.com/VagueGrant or stgcast.org

Peter - stgcast.org or Saving the Game Discord or City On A Hill Discord

Cameron - https://twitter.com/humarwhitill - https://twitter.com/CamPlusDeanna - https://twitter.com/1Geek411 - twitch.tv/CameronPlusDeanna - twitch.tv/1Geek411

Greg - City On A Hill Discord

Big thanks to our supporters!  Grizzly Rich, JD, Bryan, Sir Lord Epicname, Andrew, Christina, Tony


Check us out at @CityOnAHillGame on Twitter or email us at [email protected]

Us on teh Discords - https://discord.gg/N2Qj8fk5wE

Leave us a rating/review on iTunes or whatever awesome podcast app you use. And tell us where you listen to the fun!

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