Council Bill No. 2023-002: An Ordinance Amending Sections 2-257.4, 2-257.5, 2-320.2, 2-503 and Section 25.5- 11(b) of the Champaign Municipal Code, 1985, as Amended

Council Bill No. 2023-003: An Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for the General Fund

Council Bill No. 2023-004: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase Temporary Emergency Housing for Displaced Tenants of Champaign Park Apartments

Council Bill No. 2023-005: An Ordinance Amending the Annual Budget for the General Fund 

Council Bill No. 2023-006: A Resolution Accepting a Bid and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement for the Garden Hills Streetlighting Improvements Project

Council Bill No. 2023-007: A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with Clark Dietz, Inc., to Provide Construction Engineering Services for the Garden Hills Streetlighting Improvements Project

Council Bill No. 2023-008: A Resolution Approving a Letter of Understanding with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Illinois Route 10 Bridge Replacement 

Council Bill No. 2023-009: A Resolution Approving the Purchase of Temporary Employment Services