Previous Episode: The Flat Earth

These are strange times, whether you've already been born, haven't been born yet, or have died but are technically still Prime Minister.

In this episode, we cover:

How to set up a room for comedy; how Donald Trump is like a stand-up comedian; having a ghost Prime Minister; the Tory leadership election; citizens' juries (aka citizens’ assemblies); religious people's rights over their kids' education and, finally, abortion.

In recent weeks, abortion rights have come under intense legislative attack in several US states. Less recently, Ireland finally managed to repeal its anti-abortion 8th amendment, following a citizens' assembly and a referendum.

It's one of the most emotively divisive subjects in social policy - one where both sides are able to see the other as actually evil.

Nick comes to this subject from the position of being a pro-choice atheist from a staunchly anti-abortion, religious family, and tends to think both sides talk past each other. So there's that angle, in case the prospect of two childless men discussing what they think about abortion wasn't enough to hook you in...