Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal
Episode 28 - The Bermuda Triangle: Atlantis, Poorly Made Boats, and Sanitary Napkins
Welcome back to the CGS Blog! Holy shit, a lot has changed since we released our last episode. Jordan dropped something like 240 pounds, Maynerd and I sang a ballad, and the new Trolls movie came out! Honestly, I think we’re all in a weird place right now but keep your chin up. We’ll get through this together, one dick joke at a time.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about one of the most enduring mysteries of the modern world. That’s right gang, there’s a place on earth where many things enter and never see the light of day again (*name of my sex tape). We’re talking about the MOTHERF***ING BERMUDA TRIANGLE! Is it really everything it’s all chocked up to be? No, no it is not, but tune in anyway because you knew damn well we didn’t believe in that nonsense.
The reason the Bermuda Triangle is such a powerful story is because much like all the things that truly scare us, it involves uncertainty. Not only do we not know what will happen when you disappear but you don’t even know if you’ll disappear if you’re unlucky enough to pass through it. It’s like when you were a kid and got in trouble at school. As the principal very thoroughly describes your epic upper-decker in the teacher’s bathroom. You’re sitting there sweating, not worried about getting suspended, you’re worried about what your parents are gonna do to you when you get home. I mean, it doesn’t get more primal than that. The Bermuda Triangle is like a well planned but poorly executed upper-decker… kinda.
Anyway, we hope you enjoy the show. Also, we hope you pay a visit to our new T-Spring shop to get your official CGS merch. There’s a mug with my mug on it. Buy it, drink your morning coffee out of it while I silently scream at your eggs. Here’s the link:
Be safe, we love you all.
*music from