Citizen’s Guide to the Supernormal Episode 21
The One Where Jordan Speaks Welsh
Welcome to the CGS Blog. We’ve been a little preoccupied lately but we finally got this one done. When I say we, I of course mean Maynerd. Anyway, we’d like to drop a big thank you to our special guest Summer or as she’s more infamously known, Brunette Bohemian. You know, the one with the hair and unhealthy obsession with New Kids on the Block? Yeah, that one. In this episode, we talk about a creature from just north of her homeland, The Loch Ness Monster. The second biggest pile of shit in the entire UK. Sorry if you’re a believer but this one couldn’t be any more disproven if they drained the damn lake.
Having said that, there’s nothing more fun than an enduring mystery like Loch Ness, Big Foot, and whatever kind of monster enjoys candy corn. Everyone loves a little weirdness and Scotland sure loves it because they desperately need your tourist dollars. They aren’t exactly winning it with bag pipes and haggis. Frankly, it’s not unheard of to capitalize on nonsense to make money. There are men in Tibet who are actually designated “Yeti Witnesses”. Their only job is to convince guys like Maynerd that there’s a fluffy snow monster living high in the Himalayan mountains.
I personally don’t think we have enough monsters. Every region of the US should have their own dedicated cryptid. Like a mascot. Massachusetts could have a lobster-man, Colorado could have a rock monster, and Florida could have… a naked guy throwing poop at an old folks home… on second thought that is way too normal for Florida but you get the idea.
Anyway, shoot me a tweet @bastardprophet with your invented regional monster. My favorite ones will get a shout out on Episode 23 of CGS.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Sarge