Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal -Episode 18
Guam’s Got Ghosts
Well, here we are at episode 18. This one took a long time to get released because I was working on a project in Atlanta. While I was there, I was supposed to be meeting some famous people but they mysteriously came down with a case of “We Were Lied To By A Total Jackass”. No harm done though. We made some awesome friends, we berated an 18-year-old boy to the point of tears, and learned that a woman can definitely sexually assault a man… multiple times… one time while we were filming her.
Anyway, we recorded this one a while ago but we are just getting around to releasing it. Now that I know how to edit audio files, we expect to be releasing more regularly. This was a tough one so you better like it because I worked on this beast for a whole 4 hours on our brand-new, state of the art computer.
It this episode, we talk about folklore from a distant land that is still under U.S. control for… reasons. We were joined by the lovely and talented Katrina. You can find her here: or here: She told us about her family’s experiences, people with magic hair, and dudes with evil penises. It’s fun for the whole family, except your children. I cannot stress enough how important it is that your children do not listen to Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal. They will ask tough questions and lord knows you don’t want to answer them with a police officer present because your kid was telling everyone at show and tell about “Splitting a Tangerine” (See Dyatlov Pass Episode). Thanks for reading this, thanks for listening to us, and have a beautiful day.

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