This is a story about the horrible murder of an entire family... it's not an easy listen. Maybe don't make this your first episode with us...

Episode 11- Hinterkaifeck
Well, here we are at episode 11. I’m pretty excited about Citizen’s Guide To The Supernormal and I hope you are too. I have no idea how many of you are reading this but I have to believe that it’s upwards of 8 people? Anyway, as we search for things that we think are worth of your attention, we go down some pretty weird rabbit-holes. Jordan is pretty relentless when searching for details and uses a number of sources. My job is host and blog-maker-guy (I’m a little skittish to use the term “writer” when referring to myself because that’s one step closer to corduroy sport coats with suede elbow patches). As my lofty title suggests, I am responsible for framing the show with an air of professionalism. In the interests of transparency, sources should be cited. In my efforts to get this show off the ground, I definitely skipped a step. Given my blog for episode 10 extolling the virtues of not taking someone’s word for it, I should have been more careful and maybe taken a little of my own advice. Going forward, links to our major sources will be included at the end of the blog so you too can now see why Jordan is slowly losing his mind.
While we’re on the subject of citations and sources, let’s talk about misinformation. I have a love/hate relationship with the media. On the one hand, they provide an invaluable service to the American people in terms of shining a light on bad behavior and telling us about events that any concerned citizen should be aware of. On the other hand, the vast majority of media is, and always will be, a business. There is one purpose for a business and that purpose is to make money. In order to keep making money, they need consumers. There’s no secret that biases are evident in almost every major news source. This is not just because the people in the corner office are affiliated with one party or another. This is because there’s a certain kind of person who wants to listen to Rachel Maddow. There is an audience for Sean Hannity. These media companies do what they do because they are giving their customers what their customers want.
Now stay with me, if I start a business, my goal will be to make money. I will have a business model and a target market which I will exploit to earn a profit. Now what if I discover that my sales go up when I tell my customers that doing business with me is a smart decision? Well, I’m going to tell my customers that they are smart even if they are currently drooling all over their “9/11 Was An Inside Job” t-shirt. Is it unethical? Hell yeah. Is it illegal? Nope. Every channel gives the people what they want. The problem is that when you prioritize giving the people what they want sometimes you forget to give them what they need.
Back to my business. If I start telling the bozo with the Loose Change t-shirt that he’s a fucking dum-dum, I’m going to lose that customer and probably a few of his tin-foil-hat wearing comrades. If this happens enough, I am properly fucked because my business will fail and I will have to go back to selling my used boxer briefs to weirdos on the internet. The question we have to ask ourselves is, who is at fault when the business lies to Ned? Do we blame the guy telling Ned the Village Idiot that he’s smart or do we blame the Village Idiot for not realizing that he’s just being told what he wants to hear? On that depressing note, enjoy episode 11. It’s about murder!