The longest running mashup podcast in the world started in London under the name Radio Clash where to this day Tim sits behind the mic. A member of the original podcasters generation, he has seen trends emerge and disappear, crises, change, the good the bad… the odd.. all of it. And then came Covid19.

Today on the podcast, from Lockdown London, it's Tim from Radio Clash to talk music, politics, culture, gentrification, London, BLM, and more.

The longest running mashup podcast in the world started in London under the name Radio Clash where to this day Tim sits behind the mic. A member of the original podcasters generation, he has seen trends emerge and disappear, crises, change, the good the bad… the odd.. all of it. And then came Covid19.

Today on the podcast, from Lockdown London, it’s Tim from Radio Clash to talk music, politics, culture, gentrification, London, BLM, and more.

Songs in today’s podcast come from the following episodes of Tim’s program:

Radio Clash #1 from November 2004. (Radio Clash Theme)Radio Clash #272 from January 2018 (Goodnight Tonight – Paul McCartney)Radio Clash #326 from June 2020 (Racist Friend – The Special AKA)