This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Bojan Peček, Operations Manager of Liquity a decentralized borrowing protocol buid on Ethereum.
On their Website Liquity asserts that you can draw 0% interest loans against Ether used as collateral. Loans are paid out in LUSD - a USD pegged stablecoin.
We spoke to Bojan ( about Liquity ( and:
The value of traditional education in Web3
The upside of the financial crisis for Web3
The future of stablecoins
People as currency
The catalysts for mass adoption
Points of failure in projects
How trust is earned and lost in finance
How secure are multisigs really?
How borrowing is structured on Liquity versus other platforms
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This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Bojan Peček, Operations Manager of Liquity a decentralized borrowing protocol buid on Ethereum.

On their Website Liquity asserts that you can draw 0% interest loans against Ether used as collateral. Loans are paid out in LUSD - a USD pegged stablecoin.

We spoke to Bojan about Liquity and:

The value of traditional education in Web3
The upside of the financial crisis for Web3
The future of stablecoins
People as currency
The catalysts for mass adoption
Points of failure in projects
How trust is earned and lost in finance
How secure are multisigs really?
How borrowing is structured on Liquity versus other platforms

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Special Guest: Bojan Peček.


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