This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Brian Crain – co-founder of Chorus One, which provides staking solutions on over 30 decentralized networks and builds core infrastructure for blockchain protocols.
Chorus One also brings to their stakers such services as Whitelabel staking and Liquid staking.
We spoke to Brian Crain ( about Chorus One ( and:
Brian's path & the story behind Chorus One
The beauty of blockchain
Chorus One's contribution to the building of the freer world
Urbit & How can we improve the current state of affairs in blockchain?
DAO's & DeFi
Freedom vs. safety
Crypto vs. cash
Tendermint experience & Validation journey: expectation vs. reality
Atom 2.0
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This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Brian Crain – co-founder of Chorus One, which provides staking solutions on over 30 decentralized networks and builds core infrastructure for blockchain protocols.

Chorus One also brings to their stakers such services as Whitelabel staking and Liquid staking.

We spoke to Brian Crain about Chorus One and:

Brian's path & the story behind Chorus One
The beauty of blockchain
Chorus One's contribution to the building of the freer world
Urbit & How can we improve the current state of affairs in blockchain?
DAO's & DeFi
Freedom vs. safety
Crypto vs. cash
Tendermint experience & Validation journey: expectation vs. reality
Atom 2.0

If you like what we do at Citizen Web3:

Stake with Citizen Web3 validator
Listen to the YouTube version
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Sign up to the RSS feed

Special Guest: Brian Fabian Crain.


AnomaBitcoinChorus OneCosmosEpicenter tvEthereumPenumbraRegen networkTendermintUrbit

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