12 year old Isiah Fowler's life changed forever on April 27, 2013.  His 8 year old sister Leila was murdered and Isiah was charged with the crime.  The Fowler family believe the police rushed to judgment and did not seriously investigate the crime.  The police department chose to ignore Isiah's claim that an intruder murdered his sister even though neighbors reported seeing the man Isiah described near their own home that same day.  Children in the U.S. do not receive a trial by jury.  Instead their fate is decided by just 1 person, a judge.  Is winning a trial more important than finding the truth?  Can you imagine witnessing your sister's murder and then being blamed for it?  The Fowler family stands by Isiah and believes he is innocent.  Isiah will not be released until he is 25 years old.

Mark Reichel & John Kennedy
Phil D'Asaro & David Kulczyk
Don't Let Me
Brittany Shane

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