Macy Troyer is the Founder and CEO of Goaldy Social Media, Founder of Kindspire Cards and the Author of Ready, MIndset, Go!

Listen to CCS episode ​177 where you'll hear Macy tell us about…

● How hear big dream was to work at Proctor and Gamble until she took an entrepreneurial class in college and everything she thought about business was debunked by a professor

● How she decided when the time was right to launch her own business and the early lessons she learned along the way that helped her become a successful entrepreneur

● Why she wrote her first book "Ready, Mindset, Go!" and where the idea of Kindspire Cards was created and her vision on how to use them


As always, don't forget to check out our partners and sponsors: IUPUI Jags, Java House, Migration Wealth Management, AP Engineering and Consulting, This is North Indy, Synergize, and our recording venue the Columbia Club.

CCS Podcast Partners:

● IUPUI Jags:

● Columbia Club:
● This is North Indy:

● Synergize:
● Java House:
● Migration Wealth Management:
● AP Engineering and Consulting:

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