Quick, call the doctor!  Jennifer has an acute case of Egyptomania--a fascination for all things Egyptian...and Art Deco.  In tonight's show we climb atop our camels and plod slowly along under the moon and the stars to the Valley of the Kings, and of course, because we're in Circa 19xx Land, we get to meet the British archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter just as he makes his momentous discovery of King Tut's tomb.  We talk about Egypt's influence on the Art Deco aesthetic, and even look at ways to achieve the Art Deco look in your own home.  We wrap up with Jennifer's favorite thing of the week--a fabulous find from a local antique mall that is in keeping with tonight's theme.

Episode 6 - Egyptomania! Show Notes

Check out the Circa19xx Pinterest Page, where you'll find a board devoted to Egyptian Deco

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