Jennifer goes on and on tonight about Zelda Fitzgerald, the subject of two books she has just read and the object of her current obsession.    Was she a flapper or philosopher?  Both, perhaps, as well as a dancer, a writer, a painter, a muse, and a girl who may have lost her mind but found her soul.  It was inevitable that Zelda, that iconic "It" girl of the 1920s and wife of literary giant F. Scott Fitzgerald, would make an appearance in Circa 19xx Land; after all,  the early Twentieth Century belonged to her...and she belonged to it.  How could we not invite her to our party?  Jennifer continues her exploration of the Jazz Age by revealing her "second favorite" George Gershwin piece and then dashes over to the CSN news desk to file a report on how Dolly Parton shops for antiques.   She wraps up with a sure-fire regimen for combatting the "Sunday Scaries" (in 5 easy steps!).  How many podcasts out there can cure insomnia and the Sunday Scaries?  Just this one.  Oh, and we find ourselves back in the Vintage Century Reading Room tonight for part 2 of F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1920 short story, "The Cut Glass Bowl."  It's nearly 2 hours (2 hours!) of exciting content...and a lot of Jennifer talking.

Links for Tonight's Show
Zelda by Nancy Milford
Dear Scott, Dearest Zelda
The Collected Writings of Zelda Fitzgerald edited by Matthew Bruccoli
"Beauty and Madness: Caesar's Things, a Christian Novel by Zelda Fitzgerald"
"Yes, Dolly Parton Does her Own Antique Shopping"
Fox News:  "Sunday Scaries Cause Work-Related Stress for More Than Half American Professionals"

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